DNext platform presents Open-Source, Modular, Fast, Low-Cost Business, and Operation Support Subsystems for large organizations. The platform is Microservice-based.
Microservices presents many benefits: Improved modularity, better functional composition, environmental isolation, reduced testing burden, and development team autonomy are just some of them. Therefore, there is a migration from a monolithic architecture to Microservices.
The sections given below presents the details of DNext products.
One of the major components of DNext platform is the Centralized Product Catalog. Users with the corresponding privileges can define new offerings (any product/services to be sold) and set both commercial and technical characteristics of the offerings. This functionality gives the users the full control over offerings and also provides flexibility to create many variants of the offerings via their parameterized context.
DNext Platform has a Catalog Driven Order Management system which means a single Product Catalog has all of the product related data and this data is basis for the all order-related processes. Using a centralized product data during the whole order lifecycle guarantees consistency and makes the data management much easier, visible and maintainable.
Data model of DNext Product Catalog is based on TM-Forum’s SID (Shared Information Data) Model which provides standardization for all information that flows between service providers. It reduces complexity in service and system integration, design and development by providing an off the shelf information model that can be quickly adopted by all parties.
NeXT platform serves a user-friendly and unified Order Capture which speeds up actions of the sales person agent who is trying to serve more customers in limited time inside a shop, store, partner, or just over sales web page. Partner application is the dealer/partner implementation of the order capture in a user experience designed manner.
In NeXT platform, Order process is separated into three major stages which are order capture, order assessment and order provision. Partner App has the execution responsibility of order capture. It includes partner dashboard, system queries and order management for dealers/partners.
Back Office App is focusing on order assessment stage of the order process implemented in NeXT platform. Order assessment is the approval and error checking process of the order which occurs before order provision to minimize the order fallouts.
Back Office App can be customized to manage any order assessment action like document checks, address correction to customer fulfill order assessment actions. The application supports push and pull mechanisms to claim processes for users and teams.
NeXT Contact Center is a light-weight CRM that allows VFNET to manage customers’ lifecycle, accounts, agreements and products. It provides 360 degree of the view of a customer with specialized features for contact center agents.
Traditional CRMs are not specializing in stages of the order, so they are limiting different types of users like call-center agents, technical operation agent etc.
DNext Provides Omnichannel Support
Self Care
Call Center
Field Sales
Back Office
Any Channel
Product API
Order API
Customer API
User Interfaces
Business Processes